How to Grow Your E-Commerce Business with Subscription Box Business?

Are you considering starting a subscription service as a part of your e-commerce business? Over many years, there’s a significant increase in the popularity of subscription box model based e-commerce driven by the growing demand of the consumer. There’s a massive opportunity for retailers – everyone loves subscription service, look at the popularity of platforms such as Spotify and Netflix.

What is an E-commerce Business?

E-commerce is considered the business transaction conducted online. A famous example of e-commerce is online shopping, which is selling and buying goods through the internet on any device. However, e-commerce is used for other type of activities as well like payment gateways, online auctions, internet banking, and online ticketing.

Whereas e-business operates the online business, specifically e-commerce means the transaction of goods and services. Ecommerce has evolved for so many years that make the products easier to search and buy through marketplaces and online retailers. Small businesses, online retailers, large corporations, and independent freelancers, all of them benefit from e-commerce which lets them sell their services and goods at a level where it is not possible with traditional retail.

What is the Subscription Box Business?

A subscription box is a package of retail products which are directly delivered to a customer on a recurring basis. The internet marketing agency for subscription website offers the method of distributing products. This gives opportunity to the companies to meet new customers for trying the product and also the consumer gets surprise in the form of a new product on recurring basis.

In simple words, a subscription box is a recurring physical delivery of curated products based on any niche packed in a box designed for the experience and offers additional value on top of the real products. It is not only about the products delivered, but the experience that the customers get.

Subscription Boxes Nowadays

The industry is increasingly getting famous. Customers love these boxes and consider purchasing from a subscription box business website. Not only the small companies who participate in it, big players who are in the retail industry also jump in this. So, how can you define a subscription box and what is it and what isn’t?

There’s no description of these boxes. However, customers define it as a monthly delivery of the products that they like. Subscription boxes focus on the consumer retail concept instead of business models.

What are the Benefits of the Subscription Box Business?

1. Lower Spend on Retention

The benefit of having customers buy automatically from you regularly is there’s less need to target them with extensive remarketing. Subscribers who pay on a regular basis have lower chances to churn, which means there’s no need to eat away at your budget with retention marketing.

2. Increase in Return on the Costs of Customer Acquisition

For subscription box website design services, the repeated business of a customer is implied at the time of purchase. Providing you keep the subscribers happy, this kind of model ensures a continuous source of recurring revenue from permanent customers.

The longer a subscriber will stay loyal to the brand, the higher will be the retention rates and greater the customer lifetime value. You will get a much better value for money if talk about the acquisition spends, which is best for the profit margins.

3. Inventory Management

With the traditional model of e-commerce business, knowing the inventory needed to minimize waste and maximize profit can be a conundrum – and also costly. However, in subscription e-commerce, inventory management is considered to be an entirely new ballgame.

As a subscription retailer, you know your subscribers and how much stock is needed. There’s less risk of unpredictable demand on your fulfilment. As a result, you can supply with confidence and anticipate demand, helping to make the process of business a lot more consistent.

Merchants can plan and manage a suitable level of inventory before time. The orders can be placed with delivery services in advance and suppliers, possibly getting discount rates.

4. Better Forecasting Financially

The major benefit of a subscription box model is you can reliably and accurately predict the revenue stream of the business. Get a clear idea every month of the profit that you can expect, whereas, regular retailers on e-commerce can face massive seasonal and monthly fluctuations.

Customers can cancel subscriptions anytime they want, but financial forecasting is a lot easier with a subscription model.


Brands having a subscription service also have a solid cash foundation to work from. As the brand is increased from the revenue subscribers who are paid currently, it is better to experiment with free models if you want to attract more subscribers.

The search engine optimization of subscription website can be appealing to consumers and brands alike, but is it right for a particular brand? If the benefits indicate anything, the answer is yes.

So, if you are searching best internet marketing agency for subscription website, you can contact us. We can guide you to boost your subscription box business. We offer subscription box website design, development, marketing, and branding solutions to subscription-based businesses. Just write to us at or fill up this contact us form.

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Umang Suneja is the Co-founder of My Subscription Business. He is a subscription-business consultant. He is also tech enthusiast, design lover, creative thinker, full-stack developer.

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